Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Year in Review

I know everyone says this, but WOW did 2013 fly by.  Overall it was a good year, though not anything spectacular really.  Here is what I wanted to do in the beginning and how it ended up.
  • Run the Rear in Gear 5K in March - Miller and I did this and while we ended up just doing the fun run due to a illness that I couldn't shake, it was so great to be a member of Team Irene's Dream.  
  • Ride in 24 Hours of Booty in July -This was SO MUCH FUN!  Mike and MaryBeth came up, I had a tent this time, we celebrated Chris' birthday, my friend Courtney FINALLY joined us after years of begging and even though I ended up with a metric century instead of an actual century, it still reminded me how great this event is. 
  • Run the Detroit Chevy Dealers International Half Marathon with Shelia in October- Well, I have run marathons and been really well prepared. I did virtually no training. My longest run pre race was 3 miles.  really.  But I drove up and ran the race, having one of the fastest miles ever in a race (9:30!!!). The actual race was great - gorgeous course and it was run really well. Crossing over into Canada as the sun rose was amazing. But I would not recommend running 13 miles without training. I could hardly walk for 5 days!  I am glad I went, had fun seeing Shelia, managed to see Sarah in Buffalo and my aunt and uncle in Pittsburgh. It was a good trip. 
  • Read more.  This did not happen.  My TV watching actually went down, but with my nights stayed busy and I just couldn't get into reading. 
  • Continue to pay off my debt.  Well I paid off one card, but mostly just tried to stay afloat. Doing from two incomes to one has been a HUGE adjustment, and I am still trying to figure out how to pay the bills and save.   
  • Sleep more. Check on this. 
  • Eat better. In March I started transitioning to vegetarianism. I went full on no meat in July and I haven't looked back.  It wasn't hard at all to switch and after I made it through Thanksgiving, I knew I could do it forever. I really do like not having to think about what I am eating. Now I just need to work on making healthier vegetarian choices. Pizza, while a great no meat option, is not great to have 5 times a week! 
  • Stop worrying.  I am a worrier. At least this year I tried to approach it as just a useless worry.  I do know I can get through anything, so there is comfort in that. 
  • Think about dating - I did more than think about dating....I started dating.  It is fun, amazing, wonderful, thrilling and fantastic. It's still scary to say out loud, but I am pretty happy.  :)
  • Have a home where my friends feel comfortable coming and hanging out. Check! 
So overall an OK year.  2014 is a big one for me...and I have some lofty goals.  Here's to 2014, to me, to turning 40! 

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