Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wee Little Recap

I never planned on going to Ireland and would have lived my life happily without.  But the opportunity arose and I went, feeling a need I couldn't explain, to do something unplanned.  I am so glad I did.

Ireland is gorgeous country which made me think of rural Pennsylvania where my grandparents live. Rolling hills fill the landscape and there is no way to count the many shades of green. There is rain, lots and lots of rain, so you might think that it is a grey place, but the opposite is true.  Everything is so lush and the flowers are amazingly vibrant. The purples seems richer, blues brighter, the reds and pinks pop out like none I've seen before.  Houses are painted brightly as well, at the very least have colorful window frames. Castle ruins are mere feet from the roads, which themselves are skinny, crumbling and have you wondering how in the world two cars could ever pass at the same time (the answer: one cars pulls over in the hedge).  It seems you are never far away from the coast and it is so scenic the effect is calming and serene.

We left Ireland on a rainy and grey day, typical considering the week.  The drive from Northern Ireland to Dublin was easy and we made great time.  We had an uneventful RyanAir trip back to London, grabbed a cab and made our way to the hotel about an hour north of the city.  The plan was to check in, drop off our stuff and head into London.  However, things close early on Sundays, and by things, I mean restaurants and shops.  Since both Dearlsey and I had been to the city, and Beth was about to spend a month there, we decided to walk down to the little town near our hotel.  We found a little pub and were delighted to learn that they do stay open.  We sat outside, drank, laughed, drank some more and ate whatever we wanted. It was another unplanned, but delightfully wonderful afternoon. I had brought my camera and took some of my favorite pictures on the walk back.  Exhausted, we were all in bed and asleep by 9.

I have been such a planner my entire life. I have 6 month plans, 2 year, 5 year, 10 year plans.  I have spreadsheets upon spreadsheets of different options so I can make a decision about a possible plan.  I have airport codes, budgets and potential hotels for vacations I want to do in 5 years. Traveling is very important to me and that is something I can't see changing. But this trip wasn't planned.  I didn't save for years.  I didn't even really know some of the people I travelled with, meeting one for the first time a month before we left.  I didn't have a budget, didn't stick to one, still don't quite know how I am going to pay for the trip.  But Everything Worked Out.  We all got along.  I didn't spend as much as I thought I would.  I laughed.  I had a great time and I felt more like me than I have in a long time. I enjoyed the experience, even though it wasn't perfect.  One of my favorite parts of the trip was standing out in the cold, wind and rain looking at a rock that is thousands of years old. It was something I would have never done before. I would have wanted to, but I wouldn't have done it.  This time I did.  I stopped often and took loads of pictures. I stayed up all night talking, something I haven't done since I was a teenager. This unplanned trip was just what I needed to remind myself that Everything Works Out. It really does.  Sometimes it doesn't work out like it was planned, but that doesn't mean it can't be just as good, and if you are open to it, it might just be better.

So to Ireland, thank you for being such a life changing place for me.  Thank you to the people of Ireland for being warm, open, friendly and accepting. Thank you to my travel partners who reminded me that the world is open to me, and that I am going to be alright.  Everything Works Out.

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